Programming and Operation, continued22Setting Up Your SystemThe first time you turn on the MDC2 Controller,you must program into your system specific set-up information (decoder and solenoid numbers,sensors, etc.) about your irrigation system.Before you begin, you may need to Select a Country(indicating language and unit of measure) to readon the display screen.Note: Pressing the button pointing to the minus (-)label returns you to the previous menu.Selecting a LanguageThe default language is English (US). However, youcan choose between English (UK) (British spellingand m3/h ––cubic meters per hour setting), English(US) (American spelling and GPM––gallons perminute setting), German (m3/h), Spanish (m3/h) orFrench (m3/h).1. From the Main Operating Screen, press thebutton pointing to the Menu label to reach theMain Menu. An indicating arrow points tothe menu category. You control the indicatingarrow with the buttons pointing to the up anddown arrow labels.2. Move the indicating arrow to 1. Set-up Dataand press the button pointing to the OK label.Note: Pressing the button pointing to either the upor down arrow labels changes the direction of thedouble arrow label. The double arrow label letsyou quickly scroll through the categories.