14The Browning and Base Heat functions are useful additionsto your oven, giving you flexibility to finish off items toperfection. With use, you will soon realise how thesefunctions can combine to extend your cooking skills.Energy Saving PanelThe oven has a divider feature (Fig. 2.11). With this in placeonly one half of the oven is heated and only the right-handside elements are used. This saves energy and is ideal forcooking most foods. When using the divider, condensationmay appear in the left-hand oven – this is normal.For very large loads, or large dishes for special occasions thenthe divider can be removed. This brings into use the elementson the left-hand side as well as those on the right when afunction is selected.All oven functions are available in full and divided forms andshelves are provided for use in both forms.n WARNING! Take great care when removing thedivider not to scratch the inner glass door surface.Scratches in the glass can cause stress and maycause the door to fail.Removing the Dividern Make sure the cooker is cool before attempting toremove the divider.Fully open the door and remove the oven shelves. Whenremoving the divider, tilt it slightly upwards and grip theunderside to prevent the metal base making contact with thedoor glass (Fig. 2.12 and Fig. 2.13).NOTE: We recommend that you place a tea towel or similaron the door glass before removing the divider. This shouldprevent the door inner from scratching.DO NOT place or slide metallic objects, including cookware,on the door glass as this may cause scratching andsubsequent failure to occur.Operating the OvenThe multi-function oven has two controls: a function selectorand a temperature setting knob (Fig. 2.14).Turn the function selector control to a cooking function. Fig.2.15 shows the control set for convectional oven cooking.Turn the oven temperature knob to the temperature youneed. The oven heating light will glow until the oven hasreached the temperature you selected. It will then cycle onand off during cooking as the oven maintains the selectedtemperature (Fig. 2.16).ArtNo.270-0027Proplus MF oven selectorcontrolOFFArtNo.270-0026Proplus MF oven controls (2)ArtNo.270-0028Proplus MF temp controlindicator light1401001802200Temperature selector Function selectorFig. 2.14Fig. 2.15 Fig. 2.16