PX3TS Transfer Switch Quick Setup Guide 7QSG-PX3TS-1B-v3.4.0-E 255-80-0032-00 RoHS4. Enter the time (seconds) preferred inlet power must be inthe normal state before retransfer occurs.Power Quality SetupInlet power quality state (normal/warning/critical) is derivedfrom the inlet's voltage and frequency quality - whichever islower. If voltage or frequency is critical, power quality iscritical. If either is warning, quality is warning. When both arenormal, power quality is normal.PX3TS transfers to standby operation when preferred inletpower quality goes critical and retransfers to normaloperation when power quality returns to normal. The warningstate does not cause transfers and is intended as an earlywarning indication of a possible problem.When quality goes from better to worse, the state change issaid to assert. You configure how long the quality mustremain in the worse state before the state change actuallyoccurs. When quality goes from worse to better, the statechange is said to deassert. You configure the hysteresis - howmuch the quality must be better than the threshold - beforethe state change occurs.Voltage and frequency configuration is identical.1. Enter upper and lower thresholds for warning and critical.2. Enter deassertion hysteresis values.3. Enter assertion times (seconds).QS RuleAppendix A: Configuration via a Mobile Device orPDViewAn iOS or Android mobile device, such as a smartphone ortablet, can function as a local display of PX3TS. Note that theAndroid device must support USB "On-The-Go" (OTG), or thisfunction does not work.Step 1: Download the "PDView" AppRaritan's app "PDView" is required for the mobile device tofunction as a local display. It is a free app. To download PDView:1. Visit either Apple App or Google Play Store.https://itunes.apple.com/app/raritan-pdview/id780382738