CHAPTER3Manual No. 016-0171-559 Rev. A 13Chapt er 3Installation Overviewand Kit ContentsOverview of the Installation ProcessThe information provided in this manual is intended to cover basic installation of the Raven Viper 4™ andcomponents supplied with device. The following procedures are recommended to complete installation of theViper 4 and control systems:1. Review Chapter 3, Installation Overview and Kit Contents and verify necessary components are on handbefore starting the installation process.2. Review to Chapter 4, Mounting the Viper 4 for details on mounting the Raven OS device.3. Mount and connect GPS antenna (integrated receiver) or install external GPS components. Review theDGPS Antenna Mounting Recommendations section on page 19 for assistance with mounting the GPSantenna.4. Install any optional CANbus components.5. Route and connect chassis and console cabling. Refer to Chapter 5, Viper 4 System Connections.6. Connect power leads to vehicle battery.Note: Review the Raven CANbus Network Installation Manual for additional information on building aCAN (Controller Area Network) system. For instructions on installing additional or optionalhardware with the Viper 4, refer to installation documentation provided with the additional oroptional component(s).