Chapter 522 Viper 4™ Installation ManualFIGURE 1. Viper 4 Cable Connections (D/N 054-5010-010)Antenna CableViper 4*Mounting Kit Included(Not Shown)Aerial AntennaMounting PlateMBA-6 AntennaCamera Cable*Viper 4 Chassis Interface orAdapter Cable Sold SeparatelyViper 4 to Viper/Envizio ProAdapter CableTo ExistingCabling*Kit Suffix Indicates Included Options.Refer to Figure 1 on page 14.Note: Refer to D/N 054-5000-001 forother System ComponentsIncluded in “K” and “KG” KitsSerial Extension CableField Hub Power CableDust CapSwitchedPower OutputCANbusGPS SpeedOutputGPS Receiver/DGPS InputInternalGPS OutputRTKCorrectionsRemoteSwitchCOM 2Serial Console orSmartYield DataSwitched PowerOutputDust CapTo Chassis orSmarTrax Tee CableCOM 3Light Bar/SmartYieldField Hub PowerViper 4 ChassisInterface Cable