Chapter 4: Basic Display Controls 51To switch data boxes on and off as a group you need to go to Chart mode.Switching the databoxes on/off in Chart mode also affects their display in Sonarmode and vice-versa. You can switch them off and on individually using theSystem Set Up menu, as described in Section 3.3.Changing the Scroll SpeedThe standard fishfinder display is the scrolling bottom image. This is a graphicalrepresentation of the echoes seen by the sounder. New information appears atthe right hand side of the display and scrolls to the left.The speed at which the display scrolls is adjustable. As illustrated in Figure 4-7 , ifyou select a faster speed, more detail is displayed and is useful when you arelooking for fish; if you select a slower speed the information remains on thedisplay for longer.Figure 4-7: Effect of the Scroll SpeedThe DSM300 defaults to manual scroll adjustment at full speed (100%). Use thetrackpad to decrease the scroll speed in 10% increments down to 0% (pause).Unlike automatic adjustment, manual scroll speed is not related to boat speedover the bottom.Or you can have the sounder automatically adjust the scroll speed, based on boatspeed. If you select automatic adjustment, the scroll speed is related to boatspeed as follows:• Less than, or equal to 0.5 kts, scroll speed is constant at 10%• Between 0.5–15 kts, scroll speed varies linearly with boat speed• Greater than 15 kts, scroll speed is constant at 100%Section of bottom shownat higher scroll speedSection of bottom shownat slower scroll speedDisplay showsmore detailDisplay showslonger historyD5024-3