Chapter 4: Commissioning the system 37This screen provides, for each tracked satellite, the satellite number, a graphical signalstrength bar, status, azimuth angle and its elevation angle from your vessel. The skyview graphic shows the position of these satellites.Positional accuracy is dependent upon these parameters; in particular, the azimuthand elevation angles are used in a triangulation process to calculate your position.Horizontal Dilution of Position (HDOP) is a measure of this accuracy; a higher figuresignifies a greater positional error. In ideal circumstances, the figure should be in theregion of 1.0.When a connection has been successfully made, the GPS status icon inthe top right-hand corner of the screen reads FIX.If NO FIX is displayed, please refer to the Troubleshooting section onpage 41.The option to select differential or satellite differential fix is dependentupon the capabilities of the attached GPS. If your boat is equipped with a RaymarineGPS, the Differential GPS can be switched on or off using the appropriate soft key.4.7 How do I check the heading data?If your display is connected to a compass, autopilot or fast heading sensor, your boat’sheading will be displayed in the data bar. If heading data is not available your displaycan use COG data. This will however affect the operation of the following functions:• overlay a radar image over your chart.• orientate a radar image north-up.• MARPA.To linearize (‘swing’) your compass proceed as follows:1. Press MENU.2. Select the Compass Setup sub-menu.3. Press LINEARIZE COMPASS and follow the instructions displayed on screen. Wheninstructed to align heading, press the ALIGN HEADING soft key and then turn therotary control one click at a time to fine tune the heading.4.8 How do I check the Chart application?For full functionality of chart applications, you need to ensure that position data isavailable at the display via SeaTalk, NMEA, SeaTalk2 or SeaTalk High Speed. To useyour chart as a navigation aid you will need a CompactFlash card (seepage 10) withthe appropriate level of detail for the geographic area that you wish to navigate.Proceed as |