Item Description OptionsAutoreleaseAuto release allows you tooverride the pilot by taking holdof the wheel or tiller. When yourelease the wheel or tiller, thepilot will return to the last lockedheading.Note: OnlyavailableonS1,S2, or S3 course computersonly with drive type set to I/Ostern.• Enable (default)• DisableCalibrationlockThe calibration lock is usedto lock out specific calibrationsettings which if changed mayrequire re-commissioning of theautopilot system. If your systemhas been dealer installed thenthe lock may be turned on.• On• Off (default)Caution: Vessel settings determineother parametersif Vessel Type is changed after you have completedthe Autopilot commissioning. This will return thesettings to default and the Dockside and Seatrialcalibration will have to be carried out again.6.2 Drive settingsVessel settings can be accessed from Main menu > Set up > Autopilot calibration > Drive settings.Note: When connected to a SeaTalk system the vessel settingslisted below are part of the Dealer settings menu, Main menu >Set up > Auto pilot calibration > Dealer settings.Note: Limits are set by the installed course computer and sonot all limits may be available.Item Description LimitsRuddergainRudder gain is a measure ofhow much helm the SmartPilotwill apply to correct courseerrors. The higher the settingthe more rudder will be applied.The rudder gain setting is setautomatically as part of theAutolearn process.• 1 — 9CounterrudderCounter rudder is the amountof rudder the SmartPilot systemapplies to try to prevent thevessel from yawing off course.Higher counter rudder settingsresult in more rudder beingapplied.• 1 — 9 Do not set to 0.Adjust settings 49