AutohelmAutohelmAutohelmAutohelmSeaTalk Service Manual164. Common System ProblemsProblem Cause. Solution.System displays ‘Manual’mode instead of ‘Standby’on power up.Early systems had poor colourdefinition on terminal boards.Blue and Green connectionsto the Fluxgate are reversed.Reverse Blue and Greenconnections on Fluxgate.System will not pick upN.M.E.A. data from asuitable receiver.Early systems withsoftware issues prior to66E (Z083/084) and 66C(Z082) were not fitted withNav software.Replace software in bothCourse Computer andControl unit with latestversions if pre 66E or 65C(Both software issues caneasily be checked bypressing +10 and -10 degreecourse change keys togetherfor 2 seconds.System displays ST 7000for 2 sec’s followed by ‘NOLINK’.Seatalk Bus non operational. Cabling error betweencontrol units and CourseComputer.System displays ‘GYRO’mode instead of ‘STANDBY'on power up.Wind Anemometer connectedto pilot.Remove yellow connectionfrom AUX 1.System displays maximumrudder angle on power upregardless of rudderposition.Early systems had poor colourdefinition on terminal boards.Blue and green connectionsto the rudder reference arereversed.Reverse Blue and Greenconnections on rudderreference.System displays ‘ST7000’ or‘STANDBY’ when Auto isengaged.Inrush currents on the poweramplifier reset either theControl unit or the CourseComputer Microprocessor.Add C6 (100uF capacitor) tothe power amplifier PCB.Systems from S/N 890040 onhave this mod incorporated.