29TerminationThe vent terminal should be vertical and should termi-nate outside the building at least 2 ft above the highestpoint of the roof that is within 10 ft. The vent capshould have a minimum clearance of 4 ft horizontallyfrom and in no case above or below (unless a 4 ft hori-zontal distance is maintained) electric meters, gasmeters, regulators and relief equipment. The distanceof the vent terminal from adjacent public walkways,adjacent buildings, open windows and building open-ings must be consistent with the NFGC (U.S.) or B149(Canada). Gas vents supported only by flashing andextended above the roof more than 5 ft should be se-curely guyed or braced to withstand snow and windloads.Common Venting SystemManifolds that connect more than one heater to a com-mon chimney must be sized to handle the combinedload. Consult available guides for proper sizing of themanifold and the chimney. At no time should the areaof the common vent be less than the area of thelargest heater exhaust outlet.Common venting systems may be too large once anexisting unit is removed. At the time of removal of anexisting appliance, the following steps must be fol-lowed with each appliance remaining connected to thecommon venting system placed in operation, while theother appliances remaining connected to the commonventing system are not in operation.1. Seal any unused opening in the common ventingsystem.2. Visually inspect the venting system for proper sizeand horizontal pitch and verify there is no block-age, restriction, leakage, corrosion or other unsafecondition.3. Insofar as is practical, close all building doors andwindows and all doors between the space in whichthe appliances remaining connected to the com-mon venting system are located and other spacesof the building. Turn on clothes dryers and any ap-pliance not connected to the common ventsystem. Turn on any exhaust fans, such as rangehoods and bathroom exhausts, at maximumCAUTION: A listed vent cap terminal, adequatelysized, must be used to evacuate the flue productsfrom the heaters.WARNING: Vent connectors serving appliancesvented by natural draft shall not be connected intoany portion of mechanical draft systems operatingunder a positive pressure.CAUTION: Vent connectors for natural draftventing systems must be Type B or better.Vertical VentingHeight*Air InletMax. Length**ModelCertifiedVentingMaterialVent SizeMin. Max.Combustion AirIntake PipeMaterial 10” 12”992B 10”1262B1532B 12” 75’ 100’1802B2002B2072B14”2342BCategory I(Type BEquivalent)16”5’ 25’Galvanized Steel,PVC,ABS,CPVC 40’ 75’Table K: Category I Vertical Venting* Vent lengths are based on a lateral length of 2 ft. Refer to the latest edition of the NFGC for further details.Whenvertical height exceeds 25 ft, consult factory prior to installation.** Subtract 10 ft per elbow. Max. 3 elbows.Maximum combustion air duct length terminated at 100 equivalent ft.