46WARNING: Contact the vent material manufacturerif there are any questions about the appliancecategory or suitability of a vent material for CategoryII, III or IV applications. Using improper ventingmaterials can result in personal injury, death orproperty damage.Vent Terminal Location1. Condensate can freeze on the vent cap. Frozencondensate on the vent cap can result in a blockedflue condition.2. Give special attention to the location of the venttermination to avoid possibility of property dam-age or personal injury.3. Gases may form a white vapor plume in winter.The plume could obstruct a window view if the ter-mination is installed near windows.4. Prevailing winds, in combination with below-freez-ing temperatures, can cause freezing ofcondensate and water/ice build-up on building,plants or roof.5. The bottom of the vent terminal and the air intakeshall be located at least 12 in. above grade, includ-ing normal snow line.6. Un-insulated single-wall metal vent pipe shall NOTbe used outdoors in cold climates for venting gasutilization equipment.7. Through-the-wall vents for Category II and IVappliances shall not terminate over public walk-ways or areas where condensate or vapor couldcreate a nuisance or hazard, or be detrimental tothe operation of regulators, relief valves or otherequipment.8. Locate and guard vent termination to prevent acci-dental contact by people or pets.9. DO NOT terminate vent in window well, stairwell,alcove, courtyard or other recessed area, unlesspreviously approved by local authority.10. DO NOT terminate above any door, window, orgravity air intake. Condensate can freeze, causingice formations.11. Locate or guard vent to prevent condensate fromdamaging exterior finishes. Install a rust-resistantsheet metal backing plate against brick or mason-ry surfaces.12. DO NOT extend exposed vent pipe outside ofbuilding. Condensate could freeze and block ventpipe.Condensate ManagementCondensate must be routed from the condensate trapto an appropriate container for neutralization beforedisposal, as required by local codes.Vertical Venting (Category II)Common Venting SystemManifolds that connect more than one boiler to a com-mon chimney must be engineered to handle thecombined load. Consult available guides for propersizing of the manifold and the chimney. At no timeshould the area of the vent be less than the area of thelargest boiler exhaust outlet.NOTE: During winter months check the vent capand make sure no blockage occurs from build-up ofsnow or ice.Note: When vertical height exceeds 25 ft,consult factory prior to installation.CAUTION: A properly sized listed vent capterminal must be used to evacuate the flue productsfrom the boilers.Fig. 42: Vertical Venting (Category II)*Requires optional vent tee.