COPYRIGHT © 2014 RED.COM, INCR E D D S M C M E D I A O P E R AT I O N G U I D E 955-0047, REV-E | 4607Your RED SSD functionality may be upgraded by installing the latest firmware. Currently, RED only offers a firm-ware upgrade for the REDMAG 1.8" SSD (512GB).Make a habit of frequently visiting to check for new versions of SSD firmware, up-dated operation guides, and post-production software.VERIFY CURRENT SSD FIRMWARETo see the firmware version that is currently installed on your SSD, go to Menu > Settings > Maintenance > SystemStatus > Media Info. The current firmware (Media Firmware Revision) version displays.This is the complete list of information that displays on the Media Info screen: Media Status: Active media, module type. Media Name: Storage capacity, SSD type, and version/revision of the SSD. Serial Number: Serial number of the SSD. Media Firmware Revision: Firmware version on the SSD. Media Size: Total capacity on the SSD. Media Space Available for Recording: Total capacity left on the SSD that can be recorded to. Maximum Data Rate: The maximum data rate when writing files to the SSD.NOTE: When an SSD is not attached, the Media Info tab displays the following: “No Active Media Found”.UPGRADE SSDFIRMWARE