7.3.19. vlvindex (Creates Virtual List View Indexes)T o run the vlvindex script, the server must be stopped. T he vlvindex script creates virtual list view(VLV) indexes, known in the Directory Server Console as browsing indexes. VLV indexes introduceflexibility in the way search results are viewed. VLV indexes can organize search results alphabeticallyor in reverse alphabetical order, making it easy to scroll through the list of results. VLV indexconfiguration must already exist prior to running this script.Syntaxvlvindex [ -d debugLevel ] [[ -n backendInstance ] | [ -s suffix ]] [ -T vlvTag ]OptionsEither the -n or the -s option must be specified.T able 7.17. vlvindex OptionsOption Description-d debugLevel Specifies the debug level to use during indexcreation. Debug levels are defined inSection, “nsslapd-errorlog-level (ErrorLog Level)”-n backendInstance Gives the name of the database containing theentries to index.-s suffix Gives the name of the suffix containing theentries to index.-T vlvTag VLV index identifier to use to create VLV indexes.T he Console can specify VLV index identifier foreach database supporting the directory tree, asdescribed in the Directory Server Administrator'sGuide. Define additional VLV tags by creatingthem in LDIF and adding them to DirectoryServer's configuration, as described in the RedHat Directory Server Administrator's Guide. RedHat recommends using the DN of the entry forwhich to accelerate the search sorting.7.4. Perl ScriptsT his section describes the following Perl scripts:Section 7.4.1, “bak2db.pl (Restores a Database from Backup)”Section 7.4.2, “cl-dump.pl (Dumps and Decodes the Changelog)”Section 7.4.3, “db2bak.pl (Creates a Backup of a Database)”Section 7.4.4, “db2index.pl (Creates and Generates Indexes)”Section 7.4.5, “db2ldif.pl (Exports Database Contents to LDIF)”Section 7.4.6, “fixup-memberof.pl (Regenerate memberOf Attributes)”Section 7.4.10, “migrate-ds-admin.pl”Section 7.4.7, “ldif2db.pl (Import)”Section 7.4.8, “logconv.pl (Log Converter)”Section 7.4.11, “ns-accountstatus.pl (Establishes Account Status)”Section 7.4.12, “ns-activate.pl (Activates an Entry or Group of Entries)”Section 7.4.13, “ns-inactivate.pl (Inactivates an Entry or Group of Entries)”Section 7.4.14, “ns-newpwpolicy.pl (Adds Attributes for Fine-Grained Password Policy)”Section 7.4.16, “remove-ds.pl”Section 7.4.17, “repl-monitor.pl (Monitors Replication Status)”Section 7.4.18, “schema-reload.pl (Reload Schema Files Dynamically)”Section 7.4.19, “setup-ds.pl”Section 7.4.20, “setup-ds-admin.pl”Section 7.4.21, “verify-db.pl (Check for Corrupt Databases)”7.4 .1. bak2db.pl (Restores a Database from Backup)Restores a database from a backup.Red Hat D irectory Server 8.1 Configuration and Command Reference 219