in after the lockout period.passwordLockoutDuration Sets the time, in seconds, that users will belocked out of the directory.passwordCheckSyntax Identifies whether or not the password syntax ischecked by the server before the password issaved.passwordMustChange Identifies whether or not to change theirpasswords when they first login to the directoryor after the password is reset by the DirectoryManager.passwordStorageScheme Sets the type of encryption used to storeDirectory Server passwords.passwordMinAge Sets the number of seconds that must passbefore a user can change their password.passwordResetFailureCount Sets the time, in seconds, after which thepassword failure counter will be reset. Each timean invalid password is sent from the user'saccount, the password failure counter isincremented.passwordGraceLimit Sets the number of grace logins permitted when auser's password is expired.passwordMinDigits Sets the minimum number of numeric characters(0 through 9) which must be used in thepassword.passwordMinAlphas Sets the minimum number of alphabeticcharacters that must be used in the password.passwordMinUppers Sets the minimum number of upper casealphabetic characters, A to Z , which must be usedin the password.passwordMinLowers Sets the minimum number of lower casealphabetic characters, a to z, which must be usedin the password.passwordMinSpecials Sets the minimum number of special ASCIIcharacters, such as !@ #$., which must be usedin the password.passwordMin8bit Sets the minimum number of 8-bit charactersused in the password.passwordMaxRepeats Sets the maximum number of times that the samecharacter can be used in row.passwordMinCategories Sets the minimum number of categories whichmust be used in the password.passwordMinT okenLength Sets the length to check for trivial words.2.5. Legacy AttributesT he attributes were standard with Directory Server 4.x and older. T his are still included with the schemafor compatibility, but are not for current versions of the Directory Server.2.5.1. Legacy Server AttributesT hese attributes were originally used to configure the server instance entries for Directory Server 4.xand older servers. LDAPServer (Object Class)T his object class identifies the LDAP server information. It is defined by Directory Server.Superior ClasstopOID2.16.840.1.113730.3.2.35Required AttributesAttribute DefinitionobjectClass Gives the object classes assigned to the entry.98 Chapter 2. Core Server Configuration Reference