32 Chapter 4. Silent Installation and Instance Creation4.1.1. Silent Installation on Red Hat Enterprise LinuxIt is possible to use silent instance creation on Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers.1. Log in as root.2. Create a new directory:mkdir dscd ds3. If you have not already done so, download the product binaries file to the installation directory.4. Install the Directory Server as normal, using the command lineor the Red Hat RPM tool, system-config-packages (refer toSection 3.4 Installing on Red Hat Enterprise Linux Using a Typical Installation).5. Prepare the file that contains your installation directives.Refer to Section 4.1.2 Preparing Silent Installation Files for instructions and for some examplesof the silent-install files.6. Fill in appropriate values for the installation directives.Refer to Section 4.1.3 Specifying Silent Installation Directives for the complete list of silent in-stallation directives that you can use when installing Directory Server.7. When you run the setup program, specify the .inf file you have created, as follows:/opt/redhat-ds/servers/setup/silent.inf4.1.2. Preparing Silent Installation FilesThe best way to create a file for use with silent installation is to use the setup program to createinteractively a server instance of the type that you want to duplicate. To do this, run setup with the -kflag. The setup program creates the following file:serverRoot/setup/install.infThis file contains all the directives that you would use with silent installation to create the serverinstance. You can then use this file to create other server instances of that type.You have to make some modifications to this file before you use it. Specifically, ensure that you havedone the following:• FullMachineName - Set this directive to a value that is appropriate for the machine on whichDirectory Server is installed if it is not to be the local machine. In most circumstances, it is best notto use this directive because FullMachineName then defaults to the local host name. However,if you use custom installation to generate your initial server instance, then this directive appears inthe install.inf file.• ServerIpAddress - Set this directive appropriate for the local machine. The same usage rulesapply for ServerIpAddress as for FullMachineName. Specifically, try not to includeServerIpAddress in your install.inf file unless you absolutely have to (as may be necessaryfor multi-homed systems).• ServerRoot - Verify the installation path on this directive. Also, the name of the file-systemdirectory where you install files must not contain any space characters.• ServerIdentifier - If you are installing more than one Directory Server on the same host,make sure that this directive contains a unique value for each server instance.