Chapter 4. Silent Installation and Instance Creation 39Optional Directive DescriptionInstallLdifFile Causes the contents of the LDIF file to be used to populate yourdirectory.Table 4-3. Optional [slapd] Installation Directives4.1.3.4. [admin] Installation Directives[admin] installation directives specify information of interest only to your Directory Server’s Ad-ministration Server. That is, this is the installation information required for the Administration Serverthat is used to manage the Directory Server instance that you are currently installing.The [admin] installation directives are listed in Table 4-4.Directive DescriptionComponents Specifies the admin components to be installed. The base componentsare:admin - Install Administration Server. You must install theAdministration Server if you are also installing some other server,such as Directory Serveradmin-client - Install Red Hat ConsoleSpecify just this component if you are installing Red Hat Console asstand-alone. Do not install this component if you do remotely manageyour servers and Red Hat Console is installed somewhere else on yournetwork.SysUser Specifies the user the Administration Server runs as. For defaultinstallations that use the default port numbers, this user must be root,which is the default. For information as to what users your serversshould run, refer toSection 1.2.3 Deciding the User and Group for Your Servers.Port Specifies the port that the Administration Server uses. TheAdministration Server’s host name is given by theFullMachineName directive. For more information onFullMachineName, refer to Table 4-1.ServerAdminID Specifies the administration ID that can be used to access thisAdministration Server if the configuration directory is not responding.The default is to use the value specified by theConfigDirectoryAdminID directive. SeeSection 1.2.4 Defining Authentication Entities for information on thisdirective.ServerAdminPwd Specifies the password for ServerAdminID.ServerIpAddress Specifies the IP address the Administration Server listens to. Use thisdirective if you are installing on a multi-homed system and you do notwant to use the first IP address for your Administration Server.Table 4-4. [admin] Installation Directives