Host Not Found/Could Not Determine FQDN25To obtain the status of Squid, run the command:service squid statusIf the administrator is not getting email from the RHN Proxy Server, confirm the correct emailaddresses have been set for traceback_mail in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf.6.5. Host Not Found/Could Not Determine FQDNBecause RHN configuration files rely exclusively on fully qualified domain names (FQDN), it isimperative that key applications are able to resolve the name of the RHN Proxy Server into an IPaddress. Red Hat Update Agent, Red Hat Network Registration Client, and the Apache Web serverare particularly prone to this problem with the RHN applications issuing errors of "host not found" andthe Web server stating "Could not determine the server's fully qualified domain name" upon failing tostart.This problem typically originates from the /etc/hosts file. You may confirm this by examining /etc/nsswitch.conf, which defines the methods and the order by which domain names are resolved.Usually, the /etc/hosts file is checked first, followed by Network Information Service (NIS) if used,followed by DNS. One of these has to succeed for the Apache Web server to start and the RHN clientapplications to work.To resolve this problem, identify the contents of the /etc/hosts file. It may look like this: this_machine localhost.localdomain \localhostFirst, in a text editor, remove the offending machine information, like so: localhostThen, save the file and attempt to re-run the RHN client applications or the Apache Web server. If theystill fail, explicitly identify the IP address of the Proxy in the file, such as: localhost123.45.67.8 this_machineReplace the value here with the actual IP address of the Proxy. This should resolve the problem.Keep in mind, if the specific IP address is stipulated, the file will need to be updated when the machineobtains a new address.6.6. Connection ErrorsIf your are experiencing problems that you believe to be related to failed connections, follow thesemeasures:• Confirm the correct package: