29Appendix A. RHN Proxy ServerInstallation via Satellite WebsiteIn addition to the installation method outlined in Section 4.2, “RHN Proxy Server Installation Process”,you can also install RHN Proxy Server via the RHN Satellite Server website.WarningThis method of installation has been deprecated and may be removed in a futureversion of RHN Satellite Server. The recommended installation method is documentedat Section 4.2, “RHN Proxy Server Installation Process”.1. Register the newly-installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS system with Red Hat Network (either thecentral RHN Servers or your RHN Satellite Server) using the organizational account containing theRHN Proxy Server entitlement with the command: rhn_register.2. Grant the system a Provisioning entitlement. Visit the RHN Website (or the fully qualified domainname of the Satellite serving the Proxy), login as the Organization Administrator, and navigate tothe Your RHN => Subscription Management page. Check the box of system on which the RHNProxy Server is to be installed, select Provisioning from the drop-down box, and click the AddEntitlement button.3. Ensure that the system is subscribed to the Red Hat Network Tools channel for its base operatingsystem by clicking the name of the system and navigating to the System => System Detailspage. Under the Subscribed Channels section, check the listed channels for the Tools channel. Ifnot subscribed to this channel, click the Alter Channel Subscriptions link, check the box next tothe tools channel, and then click the Change Subscriptions button to confirm your choice.4. Install the rhncfg-actions package (which also installs the rhncfg and rhncfg-clientpackages as dependencies) by first navigating to the System => System Details => Software =>Packages => Install subtab. Next, search for rhncfg-actions using the Filter by PackageName text search box. In the resulting list, select the rhncfg-actions package and install it.5. If you will be enabling secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption on the Proxy and connecting to thecentral RHN Servers, install the rhns-certs-tools package from the same Red Hat NetworkTools channel and use the RHN SSL Maintenance Tool to generate the tar file required later.Refer to the SSL Certificates chapter of the RHN Client Configuration Guide for instructions.If you will be enabling SSL encryption on the Proxy and connecting to an RHN Satellite Server oranother RHN Proxy Server with SSL, you will also need the CA certificate password used for theparent system.6. Log into the system through a terminal as root and run the rhn_check command to immediatelyinitiate the scheduled package installation.7. Once the packages have been installed, as confirmed through the System Details => Events tab,prepare the system to accept remote commands and configuration management with the followingcommand: