Chapter 7. Monitoring160Further, you may pass the --commandline (-c) and --dump (-d) options along with a probe ID torhn-catalog to obtain additional details about the probe, like so:rhn-catalog --commandline --dump 5The --commandline option yields the command parameters set for the probe, while --dumpretrieves everything else, including alert thresholds and notification intervals and methods.The command above will result in output similar to:5 ServiceProbe on ( ):linux:cpu usageRun as: --critical=90 --sshhost= --timeout=15 --sshuser=nocpulse--shell=SSHRemoteCommandShell --sshport=4545Now that you have the ID, you use it with rhn-runprobe to examine the probe's output. Refer toSection 7.6.2, “Viewing the output of rhn-runprobe” for instructions.7.6.2. Viewing the output of rhn-runprobeNow that you have obtained the probe ID with rhn-catalog, use it in conjunction with rhn-runprobe to examine the complete output of the probe. Note that by default, rhn-runprobe worksin test mode, meaning no results are entered in the database. Here are its options:Option Description--help List the available options and exit.--probe=PROBE_ID Run the probe with this ID.--prob_arg=PARAMETER Override any probe parameters from the database.--module=PERL_MODULE Package name of alternate code to run.--log=all=LEVEL Set log level for a package or package prefix.--debug=LEVEL Set numeric debugging level.--live Execute the probe, enqueue data and send out notifications (ifneeded).Table 7.1. rhn-runprobe OptionsAt a minimum, you should include the --probe option, the --log option, and values for each. The--probe option takes the probeID as its value and the --log option takes the value "all" (for all runlevels) and a numeric verbosity level as its values. Here is an example:rhn-runprobe --probe=5 --log=all=4The above command requests the probe output for probeID 5, for all run levels, with a high level ofverbosity.More specifically, you may provide the command parameters derived from rhn-catalog, like so:rhn-runprobe 5 --log=all=4 --sshuser=nocpulse --sshport=4545