Network Services::Web Server (HTTP)229Upon successfully contacting the SSH server and receiving a valid response, the probe displaysthe protocol and server version information. If the probe receives an invalid response, it displays themessage returned from the server and generates a WARNING state.Field ValueSSH Port* 22Timeout* 5Critical Maximum Remote Service LatencyWarning Maximum Remote Service LatencyTable C.46. Network Services::SSH settingsC.8.11. Network Services::Web Server (HTTP)The Network Services::Web Server (HTTP) probe determines the availability of the Web server andcollects the following metric:• Remote Service Latency — The time it takes in seconds for the HTTP server to answer aconnection request.This probe confirms it can connect to the HTTP port on the specified host and retrieve the specifiedURL. If no URL is specified, the probe will fetch the root document. The probe looks for a HTTP/1.message from the system, unless you alter that value. Specifying another port number will overridethe default port of 80. Unlike most other probes, this probe will return a CRITICAL status if it cannotcontact the system within the timeout period.This probe supports authentication. Provide a username and password in the appropriate fields to usethis feature. Also, the optional Virtual Host field can be used to monitor a separate documentation setlocated on the same physical machine presented as a standalone server. If your Web server is notconfigured to use virtual hosts (which is typically the case), you should leave this field blank. If you dohave virtual hosts configured, enter the domain name of the first host here. Add as many probes asnecessary to monitor all virtual hosts on the machine.Field ValueURL Path /Virtual HostExpect Header HTTP/1Expect ContentUserAgent* NOCpulse-check_http/1.0UsernamePasswordTimeout* 10HTTP Port* 80Critical Maximum Remote Service LatencyWarning Maximum Remote Service LatencyTable C.47. Network Services::Web Server (HTTP) settings