Chapter 4. Custom Channel and Package Management16• Original state of the channel — All of the original packages from the target channel but none ofthe errata or associated update packages.• Select Errata — All of the original packages from the target channel with the ability to excludecertain errata and associated update packages.Select the option you desire using the radio buttons within the Clone field, identify the target channelusing the Clone From dropdown menu, and click Create Channel.On the New Software Channel page, complete the fields as described in Section 4.5, “Creating aSoftware Channel”. The default values often suffice. When satisfied, click Create Channel. If youselected either the original or current option, you are directed to the Details tab of Managed SoftwareChannel Details page, where you may alter settings for the new channel. Refer to Section 4.3,“Managed Software Channel Details” for instructions.If you used the select errata option to clone the channel, you are instead directed to the Clonesubtab of Managed Software Channel Details page, where you may individually select errata andassociated packages for cloning and inclusion in the new channel. Refer to Section 4.3, “ManagedSoftware Channel Details” for specific instructions.4.8. Deleting Software ChannelsRHN Satellite Server and RHN Proxy Server administrators also have the ability to remove unusedchannels. This action is conducted within the Details tab of the Managed Software Channel Detailsof a channel page. After opening up this tab, described in detail in Section 4.3, “Managed SoftwareChannel Details”, click delete software channel at the top-right corner of the page to entirely removethe channel and all packages exclusively associated with it. On the following page, click DeleteChannel to finish the action.Removing a channel via the website automatically deletes all packages associated only with thatchannel. Packages that are also associated with other channels are retained. If you have establishedthat channel on a Proxy connected to a Satellite, you must delete the channel on the RHN ProxyServer.