Chapter 5.17Custom Errata ManagementCustom errata enables you to issue errata alerts for the packages in your custom channels. All erratamanagement activities take place in the Errata tab of the RHN website. The instructions here are usedin conjunction with the RHN website chapter of the Red Hat Network Reference Guide.5.1. Manage ErrataIn addition to the buttons and pages available to standard RHN Management-level users, RHNSatellite Server and RHN Proxy Server customers also have access to Manage Errata in theleft navigation bar. This button opens the Errata Management interface, where all custom erratamanagement work occurs.WarningIf you are using both RHN Proxy Server and RHN Satellite Server, you must manageerrata only on the Satellite, since the Proxy servers receive updates directly from it.Managing errata on a Proxy in this combined configuration risks putting your servers out-of-sync.Clicking on an advisory within the Errata Management list takes you to the Details tab of theManaged Errata Details page. Refer to Section 5.2, “Managed Errata Details” for a full explanation ofthis area.5.1.1. Published ErrataThe Published Errata page is shown by default when you click Manage Errata in the left navigationbar. It displays the errata alerts your organization has created and disseminated.To edit an existing published errata, follow the steps described in Section 5.3, “Creating and EditingErrata”. To distribute the errata, click Send Notification on the top-right corner of the Errata Detailspage. The errata alert is sent to the administrators of all affected systems.5.1.2. Unpublished ErrataThe Unpublished Errata page appears when you click Unpublished below Manage Errata in the leftnavigation bar. It displays the errata alerts your organization has created but not yet distributed.To edit an existing unpublished errata, follow the steps described in Section 5.3, “Creating and EditingErrata”. To publish the errata, click Publish Errata on the top-right corner of the Errata Details page.You then need to confirm the channels associated with the errata and click the Publish Errata button,now in the lower-right corner. The errata alert is shifted to the Published page awaiting distribution.5.2. Managed Errata DetailsIf you click on the advisory of a managed errata alert in the Published or Unpublished pages,its Managed Errata Details page appears. This page is further divided into three tabs: Details,Channels, and Packages.• Details — Provides the primary information you entered about the custom errata alert during itscreation. This includes a synopsis, advisory name and type, related product, bugs, description,