Chapter 7. Red Hat Network Website122CVE-2006-4535You may also filter errata search results by the type of errata issued. Check or uncheck the boxes nextto the type of advisory to search.• Bug Fix Advisory — Errata that contains fixes to issues that were reported by users or discoveredduring development or testing• Security Advisory — Errata that fixes a security issue found during development, testing, or reportedby users or a software security clearing house. A security advisory usually has one or more CVEnames associated with each vulnerability found in each erratum.• Product Enhancement Advisory — Errata that contains new features, improved functionality, orenhanced performance in the package's software.7.6. ChannelsIf you click the Channels tab on the top navigation bar, the Channels category and links appear.The pages in the Channels category enable you to view and manage the channels and packagesassociated with your systems. In addition, you can obtain ISO images here.7.6.1. Software ChannelsThe Software Channels page is the first to appear in the Channels category. A software channel is alist of Red Hat Enterprise Linux packages grouped by use. Channels are used to choose packages tobe installed on a system.There are two types of software channels: base channels and child channels. Base ChannelsA base channel consists of a list of packages based on a specific architecture and Red Hat EnterpriseLinux release. For example, all of the packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 for the x86 architecturemake up a base channel. The list of packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 for the Itaniumarchitecture make up a different base channel.A system must be subscribed to one base channel only. This base channel is assigned automaticallyduring registration based upon the Red Hat Enterprise Linux release and system architecture selected.In the case of public free channels, the action will succeed. In the case of paid base channels, thisaction will fail if an associated entitlement does not exist. Extended Update Support (EUS)In addition to base channels for major versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, there are channels forupdate versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, which are also separated by architecture and whichcan have child channels. These Extended Update Support (EUS) channels are for administratorswho want to stay with one major or update version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and customize theirpackage updates for their particular version, rather than upgrade their systems to a new updateversion that installs new software, hardware drivers, and features on production systems.