Chapter 7. Red Hat Network Website64• The Critical Systems section lists the most critical systems within your organization. It provides alink to quickly view those systems, and displays a summary of the errata updates that have yet tobe applied to those systems. Click on the name of the system to be taken to the System Detailspage of that system and apply the errata updates. Below the list is a link to the Out of Date systemspage.• Next is the Recently Scheduled Actions section. Action that are less than thirty days old areconsidered recent. This section allows you to see all actions and their status: whether they havefailed, completed, or are still pending. Click on the label of any given actions to view the details pagefor that action. Below the list is a link to the Pending Actions page, which lists all actions that havenot yet been picked up by your client systems.• The Relevant Security Errata section lists the security errata that are available and have yet to beapplied to some or all of your client systems. It is critical that you apply these security errata to keepyour systems secure. Below this section are links to all errata and to those errata that apply to yoursystems.• The System Groups section lists the groups (if any) and indicates whether the systems in thosegroups are fully updated. Click on the link below this section to be taken to the System Groupspage, from which you can chose System Groups to use with the System Set Manager.• The Recently Registered Systems lists the systems that have been added to the Satellite in thepast 30 days. Click the system's name to go the System Details page for that particular system.You can return to this page by clicking Your RHN on the left navigation bar.7.3.1. Your AccountThe Your Account page allows you to modify your personal information, such as name, password,and title. To modify any of this information, make the changes in the appropriate text fields and clickthe Update button in the bottom right-hand corner.Remember, if you change your Red Hat Network password (the one used to log into RHN, you will not see your new one as you type it for security reasons. Also for security, yourpassword is represented by 12 asterisks no matter how many characters it actually contains. Replacethe asterisks in the Password and Password Confirmation text fields with your new password. AddressesThe Addresses page allows you to manage your mailing, billing and shipping addresses, as well asthe associated phone numbers. Just click Edit this address below the address to be modified, makethe changes, and click Update. Change EmailThe email address listed in the Your Account page is the address to which Red Hat Network sendsemail notifications if you select to receive Errata Alerts or daily summaries for your systems on theYour Preferences page.To change your preferred email address, click Change Email in the left navigation bar. You are thenasked for the new email address. Enter it and click the Update button. A confirmation email is sent tothe new email address; responding to the confirmation email validates the new email address. Notethat false email addresses such as those ending in "@localhost" are filtered and rejected.