US-12SGCZ2450S8. Operation■ STARTING ENGINEThe cutting head will start rotatingupon the engine starts.1. Rest the unit on a flat, firm place. Keepthe cutting head off the ground andclear of surrounding objects as it willstart rotating upon starting of theengine.2. Push the primer pump several timesuntil overflown fuel flows out in theclear tube. (OP1)3. Move the choke lever to the closedposition. (OP2)(1) choke lever(2) close(3) open4. Set the stop switch to the "RUN"position. Place the unit on a flat, firmplace. Keep the cutting head clear ofeverything around it. (OP3)(1) stop switch(2) RUN(3) STOP(a) lockout lever(b) throttle trigger5. Firmly grasp (a) and (b) with left hand,pull the starter knob quickly until enginefires. (OP4)• Avoid pulling the rope to its end orreturning it by releasing the knob. Suchactions can cause starter failures.6. Move the choke lever downward toopen the choke. And restart engine.(OP2)7. Allow the engine to warm up for severalminutes before starting operation.IMPORTANTWARNINGOP1(2)(3)(1)OP2(1)(3)(a)(b)(2)OP3OP4.04 in(1~2mm) (1)OP51. When restarting the engineimmediately after stopping it, leave thechoke open.2. Overchoking can make the engine hardto start due to excess fuel. When theengine failed to start after severalattempts, open the choke and repeatpulling the rope, or remove the sparkplug and dry it.■ STOPPING ENGINE (OP3)1. Release the throttle lever and run theengine for a half minute.2. Shift the stop switch to the "STOP"position.• Except for an emergency, avoidstopping the engine while pulling thethrottle lever.■ ADJUSTING THROTTLE CABLE• The normal play is 1 or 2mm whenmeasured at the carburetor side end.Readjust with the cable adjuster asrequired. (OP5)(1) cable adjuster■ ADJUSTING IDLING SPEED (OP6)1. When the engine tends stop frequentlyat idling mode, turn the adjusting screwclockwise.2. When the cutting head keeps rotatingafter releasing the trigger, turn theadjusting screw counter-clockwise.(1) idle adjusting screw• Warm up the engine before adjustingthe idling speed.NOTEIMPORTANTNOTE(1)OP6