Regency Insert & Hearth Heater 11Medium Insert I2100MThe unit arrives with the 2 baffle bricks on thefloor of the firebox.1) If all 3 air tubes are installed continue on toStep 2), if not, follow the instructions be-low. Install the air tube into the holes in theside channels. The notch goes on the righthand side with the air holes facing towardthe door. Slide the tube into the left handside, as far as possible and then bring itback into the hole on the right hand side untilit locks into position. If the tube will not slidein easily, simply use a pair of vise grips orpliers and tap it into place with a hammer.BRICK FLUE BAFFLE &SECONDARY AIR TUBEINSTALLATIONThe flue baffle system located in the upper areaof the firebox is removable to make cleaningyour chimney system easier. The brick bafflesmust be installed prior to your first fire. Smokespillage and draft problems may occur ifthe baffles are improperly positioned.Check the position of the brick baffles on aregular basis as they can be dislodged if toomuch fuel is forced into the firebox.The Large Insert I3100L is shipped with two ofthe secondary air tubes loose inside the fire-box. They need to be installed after the brickbaffle are installed. Follow the directions be-low.Large Insert I3100LThe unit arrives with the first two air tubes(from the front) and the 2 baffle bricks on thefloor of the firebox. The baffle bricks arepositioned first and then the air tubes areinstalled.NOTE: If the first 2 airtubes are alreadyinstalled in the stove, they mustbe removed in order to install theBrick Baffles.1) Slide the left baffle brick over the two rearair tubes and then push it all the way to theleft side of the firebox.Front ViewMedium Insert (I2100M)Large Insert (I3100L)Small Insert (I1100S)Hearth Heater (H2100M)2) Tilt the first Baffle Brick down and then slidethe 2nd Baffle Brick up and back. Reposi-tion both baffle bricks flat on the air tubes.3) Important: push both baffle bricks sothey are tight against the side walls.4) Install the two front air tubes into the holeson the side channels. The notch goes onthe right hand side with the air holes facingforward toward the door opening. If thetube will not slide in easily, simply use a pairof vise grips or pliers and tap it into placewith a hammer. A tighter fit will ensure thetube will not move when the unit is burning.Note: When cleaning the chimney reversethe above procedures, removingthe air tube and baffle bricks andthen replace them when cleaningis completed.INSTALLATIONFLOOR PROTECTIONPlease check to ensure that your floor protec-tion and hearth will meet the standards forclearance to combustibles. Your hearth ex-tension must be made from a non-combustiblematerial.FIREBRICK ASSEMBLYFirebrick is included to extend the life of yourinsert and radiate heat more evenly. Check tosee that all firebricks are in their correctpositions and have not become misalignedduring shipping.