Regency Insert & Hearth Heater 9INSTALLATIONDiagram 4:H2100M, I2100Mand I3100LFaceplateAssembly3) Attach the assembled faceplate to the face-plate mounting brackets.Diagram 2: I1100SRear ViewDiagram 3: I1100SB) H2100M, I2100M and I3100L Inserts1) Slide the spring nuts (supplied) over theslots in the insert’s side convection panels(the spring nuts may need to be squeezedwith a pair of pliers first, to help them stayin position).2) Screw the side faceplate panels, (item A indiagram 4) one to each side.3) Using the top panel (item B in the diagram) asa gauge, check that the side panels arewithin approximately 1/4" of the overallwidth. If the difference is greaterthan this, use the suppliedwashers to attain the re-quired width.C) All unitsThe unit may now be slid into final position andattached to the connection system.Once connection is made, the insulation stripsshould be installed between the insert face-plates and the fireplace face. The faceplate topmay now be installed (with insulation stripbehind) by aligning its brackets with the topflange on the side shields and the angle iron baron the insert top. The faceplate trim may beinstalled to the edge of the faceplate at this time.I1100S: Drill two 5/32" diameter holes throughthe trim and side panels and screw the trim tothe panels using the gold plated screws provid-ed.Note: It may be easier to install the insu-lation, faceplate top and faceplatetrim with the unit pulled slightlyaway from the fireplace face. Ifthis is done, be very careful not todisturb the connector when shift-ing the unit to its final position.Now that your insert is installed, check oncemore that all the clearances from the unit to anycombustible materials are correct as listedearlier.Diagram 1: I1100Sproper stainless steel unit available with thechimney liner.6) Once the above items have been checked,slide your insert into position after firstpositioning the flue liner and offset if re-quired. (Re-install raincap at completion ofinstallation).FACEPLATE AND TRIMPrior to sliding your insert into its final positionand attaching the connector or liner pipe, thefaceplate side panel plates must be installed asfollows:A) I1100S Small Insert1) Fasten the faceplate mounting bracket tothe side of the insert (one on each side)using the screws provided (2 screws perbracket). Diagram 1.2) Assemble the faceplate sides and top with4 screws. See Diagram 2.