58 Regency Horizon™ HZ40E Gas Fireplace58OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSOPERATINGINSTRUCTIONS1) Read and understand these instructions beforeoperating this appliance.2) Check to see that all wiring is correct andenclosed to prevent possible shock.3) Check to ensure there are no gas leaks.4) Make sure the glass in the glass door frameis properly positioned. Never operate theappliance with the glass removed.5) Verify that the venting and cap are unobstructed.6) The unit should never be turned off, and onagain without a minimum of a 60 second wait.During the fi rst few fires, a white filmmay develop on the glass front as part ofthe curing process. The glass should becleaned after the unit has cooled downor the fi lm will bake on and become verydiffi cult to remove. Use a non-abrasivecleaner and DO NOT ATTEMPT TOCLEAN THE GLASS WHILE IT IS HOT.The FIRST FIRE in your heater is part of the paintcuring process. To ensure the paint is properlycured, it is recommended you burn your fireplacefor at least four (4) hours the first time.When first operated, the unit will release an odourcaused by the curing of the paint and the burningoff of any oils remaining from manufacturing. Smokedetectors in the house may go off at this time. Opena few windows to ventilate the room for a couple ofhours. The glass may require cleaning.NOTE: When the glass is cold and the applianceis lit, it may cause condensation and fogthe glass. This condensation is normal andwill disappear in a few minutes as the glassheats up.DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN THE GLASSWHILE IT IS STILL HOT!DO NOT BURN THE UNIT WITHOUT THEGLASS DOOR IN PLACE.FIRST FIRENORMAL OPERATINGSOUNDS OFGAS APPLIANCESIt is possible that you will hear some sounds fromyour gas appliance. This is perfectly normal due tothe fact that there are various gauges and typesof steel used within your appliance. Listed beloware some examples. All are normal operatingsounds and should not be considered as defectsin your appliance.Burner Tray:The burner tray is positioned directly under theburner and is made of a different gauge materialfrom the rest of the firebox and body. Therefore, thevarying thicknesses of steel will expand and contractat slightly different rates which can cause "ticking"and "cracking" sounds. You should also be awarethat as there are temperature changes within theunit these sounds will likely re-occur. Again, this isnormal for steel fireboxes.Pilot Flame:While the pilot flame is on it can make a very slight"whisper" sound.Gas Control Valve:As the gas control valve turns ON and OFF, adull clicking sound may be audible, this is normaloperation of a gas regulator or valve.Unit Body/Firebox:Different types and thicknesses of steel will expandand contract at different rates resulting in some"cracking" and "ticking" sounds will be heardthroughout the cycling process.Blower Thermodisc:When this thermally activated switch turns ON it willcreate a small "clicking" sound. This is the switchcontacts closing and is normal.1) Press and release on ON/OFF button onceon the remote control or ON/OFF switch.2) After approximately 4 seconds the sparkignition system will spark for 60 seconds tolight the main burner.3) The unit will turn on.Note: The first try for ignition will last approxi-mately 60 seconds. If there is no flame ignition(rectification) the board will stop sparking forapproximately 35 seconds. After wait time, the board will start second try for ignitionby sparking for approximately 60 seconds .If there is still no positive ignition the boardwill go into lock out.The system will need to be reset as follows:a) Turn the system off using ON/OFF switchor press ON/OFF button - if using optionalremote.b) After approximately 2 seconds turn on ON/OFF switch or press ON/OFF button if usingoptional remote.c) Repeat step 2.If the appliance will not operate, follow theinstructions "To Turn Off Gas to Appliance"and call your service technician or gassupplier.SHUTDOWNPROCEDURE1) Turn the wall mounted switch or remote tothe "OFF" position.2) Press "OFF" on the remote control.LIGHTINGPROCEDUREIMPORTANTTo ignite or reignite the pilot, youmust first remove the glass door.