HZ42 Regency Horizon TM Gas Fireplace 35INSTALLATIONINSTALLATIONOPTIONAL REFLECTIVE PANEL INSTALLATION1) Position the left side panel in place - top of panel in first, then fi t thebottom tab into the slot at the bottom of the fi rebox as shown below.Repeat for right side panel.Fit side panel tab into slotLeft SidePanelShownLeft side panel in position2) Fit the back panel into position by clearing the pilot shield - bottomof panel goes in first.Then fi t the tabs on the bottom left and right side of the back panelinto the slots at the base of the firebox.Secure the back panel in place by placing the brackets over thescrews on the top of the inside left and right side of the fi rebox andtighten the screw to hold the bracket against the back panel shownbelow.Right side back panel tab fitted into slotBracket shown in place on right side of the fireboxRight side panel in positionBefore installation, panels must be handled and cleaned as per instructions noted below:Stainless Steel Panels Black Enamel Panels• Stainless panels must be inspected for scratches and dimples priorto installation. All claims to be recorded at this time.Claims for damage after installation will not receive consideration.• Black Enamel panels must be inspected for scratches and dimplesprior to installation. All claims to be recorded at this time.Claims for damage after installation will not receive consideration.• Use a hair dryer to remove the protective coating from the panels.• To protect the finish during installation and handling - cotton glovesMUST be worn at all times while handling the panels.• Stainless panels will discolor a little during normal operation.This is normal and should not be considered a defect. • Black Enamel panels will discolor a little during normal operation. Thisis normal and should not be considered a defect.* All hand and fi nger marks MUST be cleaned off with a soft cloth anda stainless steel cleaner. Most stainless steel cleaners leave a film/residue on the surface of the panels. Use an ammonia based cleaner(ie. glass cleaner) to remove this film before applying heat to the unit.Failure to do this will result in burn stains on panels which youwill be unable to remove. Not protected by product warranty.* All hand and fi nger marks MUST be cleaned off with a soft cloth. Usean ammonia based cleaner (ie. glass cleaner) to remove any fi ngerprintsbefore applying heat to the unit.Failure to do this will result in burn stain on panels which youwill be unable to remove. Not protected by product warranty.90 degreebend facestowards centerof unit on bothleft and rightside panelsLeft SideBracket