Regency I2400M 11GroundFan FanGround GreenNeutralLiveWhiteFanSwitchManual/AutoSwitchBlack BlackHigh (Black)Low (Red)BlackFan Thermodisc(normally open)120V AC60 HzThermo Switch SensorINSTALLATIONSTEP-BY-STEP INSTALLATIONOF THE FAN/BLOWERBlower/Fan Wiring Diagram3) Ensure that the power cord is not incontact with any hot stove surfaces.NOTE: DO NOT ROUTE POWER CORDUNDER OR IN FRONT OF UNIT.4) Push the Regency logo plate into the twoholes in the front bottom left corner of thefan.Do not turn fan ON until your insert hasreached operating temperature or at least30 minutes after starting fi re.Your fan should only be installed once the unit isin place in order to prevent any damage to thefan. To attach, follow the instructions providedwith the fan.1) Align the fan support with the offset clipon the bottom of the ashlip.2) Slide the supports into the clips. The tensionholding the clips in place may be adjusted byincreasing or decreasing the offset spacingof the clips.CAUTION: Label all wires priorto disconnection when servic-ing controls. Wiring errors cancause improper and dangerousoperation.WARNING:Electrical Grounding InstructionsThis appliance is equipped with athree pronged (grounding) plug foryour protection against shock hazardand should be plugged directly intoa properly grounded three-prongreceptacle. Do not cut or remove thegrounding prong from this plug.