8 Regency ® E33S-1 Sunrise Gas InsertINSTALLATIONFOR YOUR SAFETYThis appliance requires air for proper combustion.Always provide adequate combustion andventilation air. Follow instructions andinformation in CSA B149.1 (in Canada) or theNational Fuel Gas Code ANS Z223.1/NFPA(in the USA), regarding requirements forcombustion and ventilation air.GAS PRESSURETESTINGThe appliance must be isolated from the gassupply piping system by closing its individualmanual shut off valve during any pressuretesting of the gas supply piping system at testpressures equal to or less than1/2 psig. (3.45 kPa).SPECIFICATIONSAt pressures over 1/2 psig, the pipe to the unitmust be disconnected.Gas Input Capacity:Natural Gas 26,000 Btu/hPropane 23,000 Btu/hMin. Input:Natural Gas 13,500 Btu/hPropane 12,000 Btu/hFuels: Approved for use with both natural gas,and propane. Approved as is for use at 0' to4,500' (0-1370m).Electrical: 120V A.C. system.Circulation Fan: Variable speed, 127 CFM.Vent System: 3" co-linear aluminum flex.Cobalt Blue Glass CrystalsINSTALLATION INTO ASOLID FUEL BURNINGFIREPLACE ORFACTORY BUILTFIREPLACEThe E33S Gas Insert have been tested andapproved to be vented into any masonryfireplace or approved solid fuel burningfactory built fireplace that will allow the insertto physically fit into the firebox. Refer to the"Minimum Fireplace Dimensions" section.If the factory built fireplace* height is too lowfor your Insert, you may remove the smokebaffl e plate and damper from the factorybuilt fi replace as long as these items aresaved and are reinstalled in the event thatthe Insert is removed. NOTE: Any alterationsmade to the listed solid fuel burning factorybuilt fi replace may void the listing of thefi replace. Cutting any sheet-metal parts ofthe fireplace, in which the gas fireplace insertis to be installed, is prohibited.If the factory-built fireplace has no gasaccess hole(s) provided, an access hole of1.5" (37.5mm) or less may be drilled throughthe lower sides or bottom of the fi rebox ina proper workmanship like manner. Thisaccess hole must be plugged with non-combustible insulation after the gas supplyline has been installed.The fi replace and fi replace chimney mustbe clean and in good working order andconstructed of non-combustible materialsand chimney cleanouts must fi t properly.Refractory, glass doors, screen rails, screenmesh, and log grates can be removedfrom the fi replace before installing the gasfireplace insert. Smoke shelves, shieldsand baffles may be removed if attached bymechanical fasteners. A tight connectionbetween the gas fi replace insert fl ue collarand the fi replace chimney must be made.*Check with your local inspector beforecommencing with this installation.BEFORE YOU STARTSafe installation and operation of this appliancerequires common sense, however, we arerequired by the Canadian Safety Standardsand ANSI Standards to make you aware ofthe following:General Safety Information1) The appliance installation must conformwith local codes or in the absence oflocal codes, with CAN/CSA B149.1 (inCanada) or the National Fuel Gas CodeANSI Z223.1 NFPA 54 in the U.S.A. Thisappliance should be installed by a qualifiedgas fitter technician only.2) Installation and repair should be doneby a qualifi ed service person.3) The appliance should be inspectedbefore use and at least annually bya professional service person. Morefrequent cleaning may be required dueto excessive lint from carpeting, beddingmaterial, animal hair, etc. It is imperativethat control compartments, burnersand circulating air passageways of theappliance be kept clean.4) See general construction and assemblyinstructions. This appliance may only beinstalled in a vented, noncombustiblefireplace.5) This appliance is Listed for bedroominstallations when used with a Listed MillivoltThermostat. Some areas may have furtherrequirements, check local codes beforeinstallation.6) Always connect this appliance to a ventsystem vent that is run (or routed) to theoutside of the building envelope. Never ventto another room or inside a building. Makesure that the vent is properly sized and is ofadequate height to provide the proper draft.7) Inspect the venting system annually forblockage and any signs of deterioration.8) Any glass removed for servicing must bereplaced prior to operating the appliance.9) WARNING: Failure to position the partsin accordance with the diagrams inthis manual or failure to use only partsspecifically approved with this appliancemay result in property damage orpersonal injury.10) To prevent injury, do not allow anyone whois unfamiliar with the operation to use thefireplace.Installer must mechanically attach the suppliedlabel to the inside of the firebox of the fireplaceinto which the gas fireplace insert is installed."WARNING: This fireplace has been convertedfor use with a gas fireplace insert only andcannot be used for burning wood or solid fuelsunless all original parts have been replaced,and the fireplace re-approved by the authorityhaving jurisdiction."