31PILOT LIGHT TROUBLESHOOTING FLOWCHARTHas the thermal switchtripped?NOCheck for insufficientcombustion air.Are there openingsfor make-up air toenter the room?Are the openings of sufficient size?See “Combustion Air Supply and Ventilation”section in this manual for requirements.Is there a furnace/airhandler in the same room asthe water heater?Does the return air duct for the furnace/air handler drawits air from a separate location than the water heater?See the “Location Requirements” and “Combustion AirSupply and Ventilation” sections in this manual.Is there proper drafting at thedraft hood? See “Checking theDraft” section in this manual.Is the flame-arrestor free fromdebris due to excessive lint, dirt,dust or oil?Check the water heater for a Flammable Vapor (FV) event. Note: it may benecessary to remove the manifold door assembly to visually inspect the waterheater. Reference the “Maintenance of your Water Heater” section of thismanual for removal instructions.Is the igniter wire insulation burnt orshow signs of discoloration?Install correct size make-up air openings perthe “Combustion Air Supply and Ventilation”section in this manual.NONOCorrect size of openings toallow sufficient air.Refer to the “Maintenance of Your Water Heater” section of thismanual for information on cleaning the flame-arrestor.NONOCheck the vent system for restrictions/obstructions and check the venttermination height. Refer to the “Installation Instructions” section of thismanual for specific requirements.NO Is the pilot tubedamaged?NO Does the flamearrestor show signsof discoloration and/or debris?Shut-off the gas supply to the waterheater at the manual gas shut-off valve,then contact Residential TechnicalAssistance by referencing the phonenumber on the front of the InstallationInstructions and Use & Care Guide.YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES YESNOContact a local Heating, Ventilation, AirConditioning & Refrigeration authorizedservice provider.Does pilot light go out whenbutton is released?YESNO Check Draft. (See “Checking theDraft” section of this manual.)NOYESIs the thermocoupleconnection loose?Tighten the connectionNOTest the thermocouple using the followingprocedure: Disconnect the thermocouple from thegas control valve/thermostat. Using a multimeterwith alligator clip leads, attach the red lead tothe body (copper part) of the thermocouple.Attach the black lead to the end (silver part) ofthe thermocouple that connects to the gas controlvalve/thermostat. Follow the instruction to lightthe pilot and watch the voltage readings on themultimeter. After 45 seconds the meter shouldread 12 millivolts DC or more.NODoes the thermocouple pass the test?YESYESYESAre the wires from the gascontrol valve/thermostat firmlyconnected to the switch?NOAre the wires damagedand/or frayed?YESNO Secure connectionsand attempt a relight.Replace the gas controlvalve/thermostat. YES Replace the thermocouple.Is the base-ring filter clean (i.e., freeof lint, dust, or debris)?YESNO Inspect and clean the base-ring filter. Refer to the “ExternalInspection & Cleaning of the Base-Ring Filter” section of this manual.THERMALSWITCHFIGURE 33.