R5 SUPREME - Navigation SystemCONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGY7000 118-301, A3 Page 373 CONCEPTS AND TERMINOLOGYThis chapter describes some of the commonly used terms of this manual, and the impliedmeaning when used in this manual.WaypointA waypoint is a position on the earth's surface, represented by latitude and longitude, whichis given a unique name. A waypoint is typically used for navigation direct to a certain positionor as part of a route.MOB WaypointA temporary waypoint created when using the Man Over Board (MOB) functionality. It is notpossible to use MOB waypoints in routes.RouteA route is a named, ordered sequence of waypoints, which together describes a path fromthe start to the end waypoint. The route currently being sailed is called the active route.Active RouteThe active route is the route currently being sailed and used for navigation. When starting tosail a route, a copy of the route is made into the active route. Changes made to the activeroute do not affect the source route, unless the active route is explicitly stored. Only oneroute can be active at any one point in time.LegA leg is the segment of a route between two consecutive waypoints. A route with thewaypoints A, B and C has two legs: ―A to B‖ and ―B to C‖. For each leg in a route, thenavigation algorithm, RAIM accuracy level and cross track error (XTE) limit can be set.RAIMRAIM stands for ―Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring‖ and is a GPS integritymonitoring scheme that evaluates the quality of the position data and is able (under normalcircumstances) to detect a satellite malfunction that results in a large range error. The usercan specify a RAIM accuracy level and the system will give a warning if the range error islarger than this specified accuracy level.RAIM Accuracy LevelThe RAIM accuracy level is the radius that is used to calculate current RAIM status.RAIM StatusThe RAIM status can be one of safe, caution and unsafe, and is indicated by the RAIM LEDon the front of the R5 SUPREME CDU. If the calculated range error is larger than thecurrently used RAIM accuracy level, the RAIM status will be ―unsafe‖ and indicated with a redlight on the RAIM LED. If the error is smaller than the accuracy level, the RAIM status will be―safe‖ and indicated with a green light on the RAIM LED. If not enough satellites are receivedto be able to perform the RAIM calculation, the RAIM status will be ―caution‖ and indicatedwith yellow light on the RAIM LED.Navigation Algorithm