6261Replacement Parts ListNOTE: If requested color is not available, similar color will besubstituted. Prices are subject to change.Part Cost Quantity Total CostBuckle Strap/Buckle .... $4.99 X _____ = $ ______________Harness Strap ............. $2.00 X _____ = $ ______________Pad Set .................... $35.99 X _____ = $ ______________Chest Clip.................... $1.50 X _____ = $ ______________Locking Clip ................ $2.50 X _____ = $ ______________Tether Kit .................... $9.99 X _____ = $ ______________Latch Kit .................... $24.99 X _____ = $ ______________Instructions ................. $0.00 X _____ = $ ______________Merchandise Total $ ________________Shipping and handling: $ ________________Sales Tax $ ________________(Indiana, California, and Massachusetts residents add applicable sales tax.Grand Total $ ________________No shipping and handling on instructions for quantities under 6. Add $.50 for eachinstruction over 6, then add applicable shipping and handling.Fill Out For Credit Cardq Visa q MastercardCard Exp. Date: ________________________________Cardholder’s Name: ____________________________Card Number: _________________________________Signature_____________________________________Up to $25.00 ....................... $5.95$25.01 to $50.00 ................ $6.95$50.01 to $75.00 ................ $8.95$75.01 to $100.00 .............. $9.95$100.01 to $150.00 ............ $10.95$150.01 to $200.00 ............ $11.95$200.01 and up ................. $13.95Outside Continental USA $10.00CUT ON DOTTED LINEWarrantyDorel Juvenile Group, Inc. (DJG) warrants this product to theoriginal retail purchaser as follows:This product is warranted against defective materials orworkmanship for seven years from the date of originalpurchase. An original receipt is required to validateyour warranty. DJG will, at its option, provide replacementparts or replace this product. DJG reserves the right tosubstitute if the part or model has been discontinued.To make a claim under this warranty you may contact usat www.djgusa.com, fax us at 1-800-207-8182 24 hoursa day, write to DJG, Consumer Relations Department, P. O.Box 2609, Columbus, IN 47202-2609, or call 1-800-544-1108 from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. EST Monday throughThursday and from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on Friday. Proofof purchase is required and shipping charges are theresponsibility of the consumer.Warranty Limitations:This warranty does not include damages which arise frommisuse or abuse of this product.Limitation of Damages:The warranty and remedies as set forth are exclusive and inlieu of all others, oral or written, expressed or implied. In noevent will DJG or the dealer selling this product be liable toyou for any damages, including incidental or consequentialdamages, arising out of the use or inability to use thisproduct.Limitation of warranties and other warranty terms andstate law rights:Any implied warranties, including implied warranties of themerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, shallbe limited to the duration and terms of the express writtenwarranty. Some states do not allow limitations as to howlong an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, so the above limitationsmay not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legalrights, and you may have other rights, which vary from stateto state. Neither DJG nor the dealer selling this productauthorized any person to create for it any other warranty,obligation, or liability in connection with this product.4358-6549 Elite 65 S1.indd 63-644358-6549 Elite 65 S1.indd 63-64 1/24/14 3:40 PM1/24/14 3:40 PM