Example:i, In normal operation mode, press to changethe current comfort setting to economy set-ting:The temperature is now set to economy mode.This mode will be held until 23:00. (It is becausethe program for the day is PROG 1. At 23:00 thetemperature will change from comfort to econo-my, which matches the override setting.)Time holdTimer hold is an alternative to manual override. Press and hold ☼ (or ) key for2 seconds, the hold time will appear. Press the key again to set the hold time.Press OK to return to normal operation mode. The maximum can be set is 24hours. In the hold period the temperature will not be affected by the program.When timer hold is active, pressing the corresponding temperature mode key(e.g., ☼ if comfort mode is being held) will show the remaining hold time. Theremaining hold time can also be changed by using the same key. If anothertemperature mode key is pressed (e.g., if comfort mode is being held), the timerhold will be cleared.Example:i,To change the current setting from comfort toeconomy for 5 hours, press and hold for 2seconds. The hold time will appear.ii,The hold time is 1 hour. Press 4 times tochange the hold time to 5:iii, Press OK or just leave no key pressed for 15seconds, the thermostat will return to normalmodeNote:i, A ‘hand’ appears when the current temperature mode is being overrode.ii, The setting will change rapidly by pressing and holding the keys.5, View/Change ProgramsPress Prog, the program of the current day is ready to be changed.Press Prog again to advance to the next day and the program of that day willbe shown.Press Prog# to change the program.Program 6, 7 and 8 are user-define programs. You can use ☼ or to changethe distribution of comfort or economy temperature and h to review the setting.Press OK to return to normal operation mode.Buttons used:There are altogether nine programs available, asthe diagram shown:Program 0 is a special program. It will set the wholeday to defrost temperature (7°C). (If cooling modeis selected, it will turn off the system. See Part 8,Controlling a cooling system.)Program 1,2, and 3 are some typical schedules of aday. You can select them if you find them suitable.Program 4 sets the whole day to comfort temperaturewhile program 5 sets it to economy.Program 6, 7 and 8 are user-define programs. Theycan be modified to suit your need.WED0 6 12 18 24SUN MON TUE THU FRI SATPROGWED0 6 12 18 24SUN MON TUE THU FRI SATPROG0 6 12 18 24PROG 0�0 6 12 18 24PROG 10 6 12 18 24PROG 20 6 12 18 24PROG 30 6 12 18 24PROG 40 6 12 18 24PROG 50 6 12 18 24PROG 60 6 12 18 24PROG 70 6 12 18 24PROG 8WED0 6 12 18 24SUN MON TUE THU FRI SATPROGWED0 6 12 18 24SUN MON TUE THU FRI SATPROGWED0 6 12 18 24SUN MON TUE THU FRI SATPROG