3-4 EB 8310-6 ENDesign and principle of operation3.5.2 Version with direction ofaction "actuator stemretracts"When the signal pressure is reduced or thecontrol signal fails, the springs move the ac-tuator stem upward and open a mountedglobe valve. The valve closes when the signalpressure is increased enough to overcomethe spring force.3.6 VersionsThe Type 3271 and Type 3277 PneumaticActuators with 240, 350 or 700 cm² actua-tor area are available in the following ver-sions:− Standard versionThe top and bottom diaphragm cases aremade of painted sheet steel.− Corrosion-resistant versionThe top and bottom diaphragm cases aremade of stainless sheet steel (1.4301).− Additional (top-mounted) handwheelThe actuators can be fitted with an addi-tional (top-mounted) handwheel(u T 8312).− Travel stopThe actuators as a special version can befitted with a mechanically adjustabletravel stop. The travel is reduced by up to50 % in both directions of action (stemextends or retracts).− Side-mounted handwheelThe actuators can be combined with aType 3273 Side-mounted Handwheelwith max. 30 mm travel (u T 8312).3.7 AccessoriesSwivel hoistThe pneumatic actuators with 700 cm² actu-ator area have a female thread on the topdiaphragm case to allow an eyebolt or swiv-el hoist to be screwed into it. The eyebolt canbe used to vertically lift the actuator and isincluded in the scope of delivery. The swivelhoist is designed for setting a control valveassembly upright or for lifting the actuatorwithout valve. The swivel hoist can be or-dered (accessories).Actuator areaItem no.Eyebolt(DIN 580) Swivel hoist700 cm² 8325-0131 8442-1017Lifting fixture for small actuatorsA special lifting tool is available to lift pneu-matic actuators with 240 and 350 cm² actu-ator areas (u AB 0100).Vent plugsVent plugs are screwed into the exhaust airports of pneumatic and electropneumatic de-vices. They ensure that any exhaust air thatforms can be vented to the atmosphere (toavoid excess pressure in the device). Further-more, the vent plugs allow air intake to pre-vent a vacuum from forming in the device.u AB 07Feedback connection (travel pick-off inter-face) according to IEC 60534-6-1Various valve accessories according toIEC 60534-6-1 and NAMUR recommenda-