EB 8310-6 EN 7-1Operation7 OperationThe work described in this section is only tobe performed by personnel qualified for theassignment accordingly.Risk of personal injury due to exhaust airbeing vented.The actuator is operated with air. As a result,air is vented during operation.Î Wear eye and hearing protection whenworking near the actuator.Crush hazard arising from the moving actu-ator stem.Î Do not insert hands or finger into theyoke while the air supply is connected tothe actuator.Î Before working on the actuator, discon-nect and lock the pneumatic air supplyas well as the control signal.Î Do not impede the movement of the actu-ator stem by inserting objects into theyoke.Î Before unblocking the actuator stem afterit has become blocked (e.g. due to seiz-ing up after remaining in the same posi-tion for a long time), release any storedenergy in the actuator (e.g. spring com-pression). See 'Relieving the spring com-pression in the actuator' in the 'Removal'section.Risk of personal injury through incorrectoperation, use or installation as a result ofincorrect information on the actuator.After any adjustment or conversion work, thedetails on the actuator nameplate may nolonger be correct. This may apply, for exam-ple, to the configuration ID or the symbol af-ter reversal of the direction of action.Î Immediately renew any nameplates orlabels with incorrect or outdated infor-mation.Î Add any new values to the nameplate. Ifnecessary, contact SAMSON to obtain anew nameplate.7.1 Throttling serviceThe Types 3271 and Type 3277 PneumaticActuators with 240, 350 and 700 cm² actu-ator areas are designed for a maximum sup-ply pressure of 6 bar when used for throt-tling service.7.2 On/off serviceIn on/off service, the supply pressure mustbe limited depending on the bench range oroperating range of the actuator. The applica-ble bench range or operating range whichthe actuator can move through is written onthe nameplate (see the 'Markings on the de-vice' section).Actuator stem retracts (FE)For the direction of action "actuator stem re-tracts (FE)", the permissible supply pressureWARNING! WARNING!WARNING! WARNING!WARNING!