12 EB 8135/8136 ENMaintenance5.1 Replacing the bellows sealIf the packing leaks, this is due to a defectivebellows seal. In this case, the entire bellowsseal assembly must be replaced togetherwith the packing (4.2).We recommend renewing the top gasket(5.3) and bottom gasket (1.2) at the bellowshousing as well.Mixing and diverting valves in DN 32 to 80differ in the arrangement of their plugs andsleeves (see Fig. 1). Valves in DN 15 to 25have the same plug and sleeve arrangement.5.1.1 Disassembly1. In valves ≤DN 50, unscrew the lock nut(6.2) and stem connector nut (6.1) fromthe plug stem.2. Unscrew the coupling nut (5.1) from thebellows housing.3. Remove nuts (1.1) and lift off the flange(5.4).4. Pull out the bellows housing (5.2) andbellows seal as far as they will go. Placean open-end wrench SW 10 (≤DN 50)or SW 13 (≥DN 65) at the side on thehexagon (X) or at the flattened area ofthe plug stem to hold the stem stationary.Loosen the nut (12) and remove thewrench.5. Unscrew the nut (12). Remove the two re-taining washers (12.2) and washer(12.1).6. DN 15 to 25Carefully pull the plug stem (6) togetherwith the bellows seal (5) and bellowshousing (5.2) out of the body fromabove.DN 32 to 80Keep hold of the bottom plug of divertingvalves or the bottom sleeve of mixingvalves on the plug stem. Use a longscrew (M8 for DN 32 to 50 and M12 forDN 65 and 80) to keep the plugs (3.x)and sleeves (10.x) in the right position.Carefully pull the plug stem together withthe bellows seal (5) and bellows housing(5.2) out of the body from above.Guide the screw (to hold the plugs andsleeves) into the valve body and push up-wards, allowing the plugs and sleeves toslide onto the screw.7. Carefully clean all the parts and checkthem for damage. Replace the plug stemtogether with the bellows seal and pack-ing with new parts.