EB 8135/8136 EN 9Installation3 InstallationValve and actuator are delivered readymounted.Refer to the corresponding mounting andoperating instructions for more details on theactuator used.3.1 Mounting positionThe valve can be mounted in any desiredposition.Î Observe the restrictions for the actuatorused.NOTICEInstall the valve free of stress andwith the least amount of vibrations aspossible. If necessary, support thepipelines near the connections. Donot attach supports directly to thevalve or actuator.Pipeline routingTo ensure that the control valve func-tions properly, the pipeline must bestraight and without any manifoldsor disturbances for a distance of atleast 6 times the valve size (DN) up-stream and downstream of the valve.Contact SAMSON if this distancecannot be observed.Flush the pipeline thoroughly beforeinstallation of the valve.3.2 Arrangement of the valveInstall the valve as shown in Fig. 2 depend-ing on whether it is to be used for mixing ordiverting service.The plug arrangement (i.e. either mixing ordiverting valve) is indicated on a label at-tached to the valve body.Fail-safe action: the valve shuts off the flowof the heating medium or opens the flow ofthe cooling medium.3.3 Strainer and bypassWe recommend installing a SAMSONType 2 N Strainer upstream of the valve, andupstream of both inlet ports in mixing valves.We recommend installing a shut-off valveboth upstream of the strainer and down-stream of the valve to ensure that the plantdoes not need to be shut down for mainte-nance. In addition, install a bypass line.