33English04 Advanced Featuresy Supported Video FormatsFile Extension Container Video Codec Resolution Frame rate(fps)Bit rate(Mbps) Audio Codec*.avi*.mkvAVIMKVDivx 3.11 / 4.x / 5.1 / 6.0 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8MP3 / AC3 / LPCM /ADPCM / DTS CoreXviD 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8H.264 BP / MP / HP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25MPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8*.asf ASFDivx 3.11 / 4.x / 5.1 / 6.0 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8MP3 / AC3 / LPCM /ADPCM / WMAXviD 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8H.264 BP / MP / HP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25MPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8*.wmv ASF Window Media Video v9 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25 WMA*.mp4 MP4H.264 BP / MP / HP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25MP3 / ADPCM / AACMPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8XVID 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8*.3gp 3GPP H.264 BP / MP / HP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25 ADPCM / AAC / HE-AACMPEG4 SP / ASP 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 8*.vro VROVOBMPEG1 1920x1080 24 / 25 / 30 30 AC3 / MPEG / LPCMMPEG2 1920x1080 24 / 25 / 30 30*.mpg*.mpeg PSMPEG1 1920x1080 24 / 25 / 30 30AC3 / MPEG / LPCM / AACMPEG2 1920x1080 24 / 25 / 30 30H.264 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25*.ts*.tp*.trpTSMPEG2 1920x1080 24 / 25 / 30 30AC3 / AAC / MP3 / DD+ /HE-AACH.264 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25VC1 1920x1080 6 ~ 30 25Other Restrictions✎ NOTEx If there are problems with the contents of a codec, the codec will not be supported.x If the information for a Container is incorrect and the file is in error, the Container will not be able to playcorrectly.x Sound or video may not work if the contents have a standard bitrate/frame rate above the compatible Frame/seclisted in the table above.x If the Index Table is in error, the Seek (Jump) function is not supported.Video Decoder Audio Decoder• Supports up to H.264, Level 4.1• H.264 FMO / ASO / RS, VC1 SP / MP / AP L4 and AVCHD are notsupported.• GMC is not supported.• H.263 is not supported.• Supports up to WMA 7, 8, 9, STD• WMA 9 PRO does not support 2 channel excess multi channel orlossless audio.• WMA sampling rate 22050Hz mono is not supported.