Samsung 6840 User Manual
Be careful about th e television form at s you se lect andthe leng th of time you view them" Uneve n LED agingas a resul t of format select ion and use, as well asburned 1n images, are not covered by your Samsunglim 1ted warranty• SAMSUNG ELECT RO NICS NORTH AMER ICANLlfv11T ED WARRA NTY STATEMENTSub j ect to t he requ ireme nts , co nd ition s,exclusi on s and limitations of the ong1nal Li mitedWarranty supplied w ith Sa msung Electronics(SAMS UN G) products, an d t he req uirements,conditions, exclusi ons and li mitations containedherein, SAMSUNG w i il additiona lly provideWarranty Rep air Service in the United St ates onSAMSUNG products p urchased in Canada, and inCanad a on SAMSUNG products pu rchased in t heUn ite d States, for the warranty peri od originall yspeci fie d, and to the Ori gina I Purchaser only"The above de scribed warranty repairs must beperfo rm ed by a SAMSU NG Au t horized ServiceCenter" A!ong with thi s Statement, the Ori gi na lLim1ted Warranty Statement and a dated Bill ofSale as Proof of Purchase must be presentedto the Service Center< Transportation to andfrom t he Service Center is the respons ib ili ty ofthe pu rchaser " Cond it ions covered are li mitedonly to manufacturing defects in material orworkmanship, and only t ho se enco untered innorma l use of t he productExcluded, but not lim ited t o, are any originallyspec if ie d p rov is1on s for, in-home or on-siteservic es, minimum or max imum repair times ,exc hange s or repla cem ents , accessor ies, options,upgrades , or consurnables "Fo r the loc ation of a SAM SU NG Au th orizedService Center, pleas e ca ll tol l-f re e:- In the Unite d States : 1-800 -S AMSUNG (1 -800-726-7864)- In Canada: 1-8 00 -SA MSUNGSAMSUNG BRAND PRODUCTSU~v1iTED \N.ARRANTY TO ORIGINALPURCHASERThis SAM SUNG b ra nd product, as sup pli ed andd1stnb uted by SMv1SUNG and delivered new, in th eang in al carton to t he anginal consumer purchaser,1s war ra nte d by SA.M SUNG aga i ns t manufactu ringdefects in mate rials and workmanship for penod of:(90 Days Parts and Labor for Comme rc ia l Use)Ca te qo ri es Par ts Labor Size Servtce39 " and Car ry -In orLCD/LED TV 1 Year 1 Year Lara er In Ho me.37" andSma ller Carry - InPlas ma 1 Year 1 Yea r Al l Carry-In orDi solav In Home3D Gl asses 1 Year 1 Year - Car ry-In orPick UD* * 180 Days after Pu rchas ing and 600 Ho urs of Us eLamp on Proj ecto rTh is li mited warranty beg ins on t he original date ofpurchase , and is valid on ly on products purchasedand used in the United Sta t es. To receive warrantyservice, t he purchaser must contact SAMS UNG forprob lem dete rmin at ion and serv ic e procedures .Warranty service can on ly be performed by aSAMSUNG authorized service center. The origina ldated bill of sa le must be presented upon requestas proo f of pu rchase to SAMSUNG or SAMSUNG 'sauthorized service center"SAM SUNG will repair or re p lace this product, at ourop tion and at no charge as sti pulated herein , withnew or reco nditioned parts or products if foun d to bedefec tive during the limi ted warranty period speci fie dabove" All rep laced parts and products become theproperty of SAM SUNG and must be returned toSAMSUNG" Replacement parts and products assumeth e remain ing orig ina l warranty, or ninety (90) days,whichever is longer" |
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