MOVIES & TV SHOWS PanelBuy or rent movies and TV shows online and stream them to your TV using apps downloaded via Smart Hub_lhis is called Video on Demand (VOD)_ lhe MOVIES & TV SHOWSscreen dispbys recommended movies and1V shows and dispbys muBtiple VOD content sources so you can browse and watch aHmore easiBy_lhe MOVIES & TV SHOWS panel has the following main subpaneBs:. Featured: View movies or 1V programs grouped according to various themes, such as movies with aspecific actor or an actor who acted in a 1V series, et<. Movies: View movies by release date, popularity, or genre_. TV Shows: Search 1V shows by air date, popularity, or genre_. Trailers: View movie trailers for upcoming movies_. Trending: View movies and 1V programs that are the most trendy or popular on Twitter_Basic MOVIES & TV SHOWS Panel FunctionsMove the focus to a movie or TV program, and then press and hold the touch pad_ An Options drop down listappears with the following functions_. Play Content Now: Displays the names of one or more content providers_ Select a content provider to playthe selected movie or 1V program immediately_ If the app for the content provider you selected is notinstalled on the 1V, a pop-up window appears_ In the pop-up window, select either to display the app'sinformation page or to install the app immediately_ Note that you can also install the app from the app'sinformation page_MULTIMEDIAThe MULTIMEDIA Panel lets you play media content saved on USBdevices, smartphones, cameras, computers,or in storage services_lhe MULTIMEDIA Panel has three main subpanels: USB Drive, Net_¢ork Device, andStorage Service_USBDrive displays USBdevices connected to the IV. Network Device displays devicesconnected to your 1V through your home network (a computer, a smart phone, et<)_ Storage Service displaysservicessuch as Dropbox and SkyDrive linked via your Samsung account to the 1V.[HU6900-ZA]BN68-06501A-01ENG.indb 18 2014-07-10 _10:19:36