Figures andillustrationsinthisUserManualareprovidedforreference onlyandmaydifferfrom actual product appearance.Product designandspecificationsmaybechanged without notice.Important Warranty Information Regarding Television Format Viewing~Seethe warranty card for more informationonwarranty terms.Wide screen formatLEDDisplays(with16:9 aspectratios, theratio of thescreenwidth toheight)areprimarilydesignedtoviewwide screen format full-motionvideo. Theimages displayedonthemshouldprimarily beinthewide screen16:9ratioformat, or expanded tofillthescreenif your modeloffersthis feature with theimages constan tly inmotion. Displayingstationary graphicsandimageson screen,suchasthe dark sidebarsonnon-expanded standard format televisionvideoandprogramming, shouldbelimited tono morethan 5% of the total television viewing per week .Additionally,viewing other stationaryimagesandtext suchasstock marketcrawls, video gamedisplays,station logos, website s or computergraphics and patterns,should belimitedasdesc rib ed aboveforalltelevisions.Displaying stationaryimag esfor more than 5% of total viewing timecancauseuneven agingof yourLEDdisplayandleavesubtle , but permanent burned-inghost imagesintheLEDpicture.Toavoidthis,vary theprogrammingandimages, andprimaril y displayfullscreen mo vingimages,not stationary patterns or darkbars.On LEDmodels that offer picture sizingfeatures,usethese controls toviewdifferent formatsasafullscreen picture.Becarefulabout the television formatsyouselect and the lengthof timeyou viewthem.LEDagingas aresult of fo rmatselection anduse,aswellasburnedinimages,are not coveredby your Samsung limited warranty.•SAMSUNGELECTRONICSNORTH AMERICANLIMITEDWARRANTYSTATEMENTSubject to the requirements, conditions, exclusionsandlimitations of the originalLimitedWarranty supplied with SamsungElectronics(SAMSUNG)products,andthe requirements , conditions, exclusions andlimitations contained herein,SAMSUNGwilladditionally provideWarranty Repair Serviceinthe UnitedStates on SAMSUNGproducts purchasedinCanada ,andinCanadaon SAMSUNGproductspurchasedinthe UnitedStates, for thewarrantyperiod or iginallyspe cified, and to the OriginalPurchaser only .The above desc ribed warranty repairsmustbe performedby aSAMSUNGAuthorizedServiceCe nter.AlongwiththisStatement,the OriginalLimitedWarranty St atementand a datedBillofSaleasProof of Purchase must be pre sented totheService Center. Transportationto andfromtheService Centeristheresponsibility of the purchaser.Co nditions coveredarelimited only to manufacturing defectsinmaterialor workmanship,and only those encounteredinnormal useof theproduct.Excluded. but not limited to, areanyoriginally specified provisions for, in-home or on-siteservices, minimum or maximumrepair times, exc hanges or replacement s, accessories, options,upgrades, or consum ables .For th e locationof a SAMSUNGAuthori zed ServiceCenter, pleasecalltoll-free:-Inthe UnitedStates: 1-800-SAMSUNG(1-800-726 -7864)-InCanada:1-800-SAMSUNGStill image warningAvoid di splaying stillimages(suchasjpeg picturefiles),stillimage elements(suchas TVchannel logos, stock or news barsat the screenbottom etc.), or program sinpanoramaor 4:3image format onthe screen.Constantl y displayingstillpicturescanc aus e imag e burn-in on theLEDscreen,whichwillaffect image quality.Toredu ce risk of thi s effect,please follow t herecommendations below:• Avoiddisplaying the same TV channelfor long periods.• Always try to di splay any imagein fullscree n.UsetheTVset'spicture format menufor the bestpossible match.• Redu ce brightne ss and contrast to avoid the app earanc e of after-images .• Use allTV featuresdesig ned to redu ceim age retention and screenburn. Refer to thee-Manual for details.