◀ ▶EnglishMovie Rating displays a column with locks and the following ratingscategories:– G: General audience (no restrictions). / PG: Parental guidance suggested./ PG-13: Parents strongly cautioned. / R: Restricted. Children under 17should be accompanied by an adult. / NC-17: No children under age 17. / X:Adults only. / NR: Not rated.N To block certain content, you select a lock, and press ENTERE (Thatis, you “click it”.). For example, click the X lock and you block all X-ratedmovies. The rating categories are also grouped so that clicking onecategory blocks all the categories a parent would block along with it.For example, if you block the PG-13 category, then R, NC-17 and X willautomatically be blocked also.N To unblock a category, click the lock.