Access Point SelectYou can select the IP sharer to use when using a wireless network.1. Press the MENU button to display the menu.Press the A or l' button to select "Setup", then press the ENTER G' button.2. Press the A or l' button to select "Wireless Network Setup", then press theENTER G' button.3. Press the A or l' button to select "Access Point Select", then press theENTER G' button.~ The wireless Access Points that exist in you area are searched anddisplayed in the Access Point List.4. Press the A or l' button to select the Access Point to use. Then press theENTER G' button.~ If a wireless Access Point is not in the Access Point list, press the Redbutton.~ When the connection is made, you will be returned to the screenautomatically.~ If you selected an Access Point that requires security authentication, enterthe security key.~ You can enter up to characters for a security key.]~ The character set may differ and the red button may not appeardepending on the Access Point.~ If you have selected an Access Point with a security authentication:- The Security Key input screen appears.- Enter the security key and press the ENTER G' button.- Using the Remote Control Buttons on the Security Key Input ScreenButton I,,_O-=.Lp-=-er:....:a:.:.ti:....:o.:..:n-=-s~_~~~~~_~_Wheel(All' I .... /~) I Moves the selection up/down/lefUright.-----~------ IENTER G' I Enters (Inputs) the selected character.-----------------lSwitch between Upper- and Lower-CaseRED I LettersI You can delete an already enteredGREEN I, character.---------.--.---- ---;1--------BLUE - Press this button to finish entering the____________ .. _._. ~ecurity ~~_y. . _