Section 2H: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services121Voice ServicesUsing Lookup You can look up and display contact information for anyperson stored in your contact list by saying “Lookup,”followed by the name.To use Lookup :1.Press and hold.2.Say “Lookup John Smith.” The entry information for thespecified contact is displayed.If you say only “Lookup,” VoiceSignal prompts you with“Say the name.”Using Go To You can open an application or access a menu by saying“Go To” followed immediately by the “destination,” either anapplication or a menu.To see a list of possible destinations:1.Press and hold.2.Say “Go To” by itself. A list of valid destinations isdisplayed and prompts you with “Please Choose.” If thelist is too long to fit on one screen, the screen displays“Next Menu.” You can say the name of a destination, orsay “Next Menu” to view the next screen.