Section 2A: Your Phone: The Basics 19Phone Basicsindicates that you have a pending message.indicates that the message is a draft.indicates that there is URL text contained in thetext message.indicates that your message is locked.indicates that the TTY option is on.indicates that your phone is in vibrate all mode.indicates that your phone has a ringer volumeset and the vibrate option is checked.indicates that the ringer is set at a levelbetween 1 - 8 or that 1-Beep is selected.indicates that your phone’s ringer is turned offand the vibrate option is not checked.indicates that your ringer is turned off and thevibrate option is checked.indicates that an alarm is set on your phone.means your phone cannot find a signal.tells you a call is in progress.displays your current signal strength. The morelines you have, the stronger your signal.shows your current battery charge strength.(Icon shown fully charged in idle mode.)shows your current battery charge strength.(Icon shown fully discharged in idle mode.)