3-12EWHITE BALLights are generally denoted as color temperatures and expressed inKelvin ( K) units.The general light color temperatures are shown below.Blue skyRainyCloudyPartly CloudySunnyFluorescent lampTungsten lampCandlelightHalogen lamp1000K2000K3000K4000K5000K6000K7000K8000K9000K10000K3-11(VIDEO SET)IRIS ALC...SHUTTER AUTO x2MOTION F.FASTWHITE BAL ATW1DIS OFFFOCUS MODE AFSPECIAL ...EXIT QUITAGCThe AGC menu was designed to provide you with brighter screensupposed you photographed any subject in the dark resulting in lessbrighter image than regulated. AGC menu setup is available only whenthe SHUTTER menu is set to Fast Shutter or Off. Press either Left andRight to go to LOW or HIGH and the AGC function will be activated. LOWis use to lower the maximum AGC GAIN and HIGH raise the maximumAGC GAIN.When the COLOR/BW menu of the camera set is set to AUTO, the AGCmenu item is left dotted and the maximum AGC GAIN is fixed to HIGH.MOTIONThe MOTION function is available only when the SHUTTER men is set toSlow Shutter AUTO, being composed of 5 steps, S.SLOW, SLOW,NORM, FAST, F.FAST. S.SLOW reduces the amount of AGC as much as possible to monitorsubjects with no immobility in the dark. SLOW reduces the amount of AGC to monitor subjects with littleimmobility in the dark. NORM sets the amount of AGC to the middle to monitor mobile subjectsin the dark. FAST raises the amount of AGC to monitor fast subjects in the dark. F.FAST reduces the amount of AGC as much as possible to monitorvery fast subjects in the dark.When the SHUTTER menu is set to AUTO, press Down to locate thecursor in the MOTION menu and press Left and Right for MOTIONfunction setup. Press Left to the SLOW side and Right to the FAST side.(VIDEO SET)IRIS ALC...SHUTTER OFFAGC LOWWHITE BAL ATW1DIS OFFFOCUS MODE AFSPECIAL ...EXIT QUIT