3-28E7. OTHER SETPROPORTIONAL P/TThis function controls the PAN/TILT speed to the ZOOM magnificationratio during the manual operation of PAN/TILT. If you setPROPORTIONAL P/T to ON, the PAN/TILT speed will increase in theZOOM WIDE mode and decrease in the ZOON TELE mode even in thesame manual operation.AUTO SETThis menu designates what to do at the time of ALARM input. Once analarm is given, the camera will shortly move to the PRESET positioncorresponding to the respective alarm as follows.PRESET1 to ALARM1PRESET2 to ALARM2PRESET3 to ALARM3PRESET4 to ALARM4PRESET5 to MOTIONAfter DWELL TIME at a PRESET position, PATTERN or SCAN will be inaction according to the AUTO SET setup.Setup of OFF/1/2/3/HALF1/HALF2/FULL/SCAN1~4 is available.OFF dues not perform PATTERN or SCAN after moved to PRESET andeach menu has its own function as follows.1 : PATTERN1,2 : PATTERN2,3 : PATTERN3,HALF1 : Continuous operation of PATTERN1 + PATTERN2HALF2 : Continuous operation of PATTERN2 + PATTERN3FULL : Continuous operation of all the abovesSCAN 1~4 : Scanning as setAUX OUT CONTROLThis sets the ALARM OUT motion to continue or act only when theALARM is working.If it is set to OFF the ALARM OUT motion will operate only when theALARM is working.(Active "Low"), and if it's set to ON, the ALARM OUT will always operateregardless of the ALARM.3-276. ALARM SETIt consists of 4 ALARM INPUTs and 3 ALARM OUTs.It can sense anALARM input from exterior SENSORs and it performs with PRESET orPATTERN function and outputs the ALARM OUT signals.The Alarm will be recognized only when its input lasts more than 150msand the alarm operation time depends on the Preset Dwell timecorresponding to the alarm and whether AUTO is involved.ALARM PRIORITY SETThis sets the priority of the 4 ALARM inputs so ALARM can workcorresponding to the priority.The priority of the DEFAULT is ALARM1: 1, ALARM2: 2, ALARM3: 3,ALARM4: 4, MOTION: 5.If the ALARM is working at the same time and the priority is the same, itwill operate according to the DEFAULT priority. While the ALARM isworking, it cannot detect MOTION.ALARM IN SETThis sets the input TYPE to "NO" (Normal Open), "NC" (Normal Close), or"OFF" depending on the features of the SENSOR connected.ALARM OUT SETEach ALARM input corresponds to one of the 3 ALARM OUT.āPress[Enter]( ALARM SET)ALARM PRIORITY SET ...ALARM IN SET..ALARM OUT SET..AUTO SET..AUX OUT CONTROL..RET* * MAIN MENU * *CAMERA SET...VIDEO SET...PRESET...ZONE SET...AUTO SET...ALARM SET...OTHER SET...SYSTEM INFO...