Samsung Electronics 204Piping DiagramCompressor – Module capacity controlƒ PurposeImprove efficiency through appropriate capacity distribution among units.Maximize the lifespan through equalization of the duration of operation among outdoor units.ƒ ConceptThe duration of operation is equally distributed among outdoor units through rotational operation of the outdoor units.The duration of operation is equally distributed among the compressors on indoor units through rotational operation of the com-pressors.The operation efficiency is optimized by setting the operation capacity for each outdoor unit according to the outdoor unit capacityratio.ƒ Control specifications in detailIt shall be operated according to priority to prevent operational time from being concentrated on any of outdoor units during theoperation of Hysteresis. Operating outdoor unit can be circulated in case only some outdoor units are operated under partial load incase of operation by priority. Driving priority can be changed in case that oil recovery and entire outdoor units are off.Ŷ0DVWHUXQLWSULRULW\$WLQLWLDOVWDUWLQJIURPSRZHUVXSSO\2'8DGGUHVVVHWWLQJŶ0DVHUXQLWURWDWLRQ$IWHUGHIURVW2LOUHFRYHU\$OOXQLWRII 0DVWHUXQLWRSHUDWHVPRUHWKDQPLQXWHV $XQLWLVVWRSSHGRYHUPLQXWHVMaster Sub1 Sub2Sub2 Master Sub1Sub1 Sub2 Master7-3 Functions (cont.)7-3-2-1 Actuator (cont.)7-3-2 Control (cont.)Master Sub 1 Sub 2